Legion Report
by Fred Lee (fotofred4u@q.com)
The William H Crippen Post 62 of Humboldt held their regular meeting on Monday, July 3, 2017. We had the salute to the Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes and Treasurer’s reports were given and approved. It was noted that Neal Even was at the VA hospital in Sioux Falls. A thank you card was read from Charlie Beck, who was at the meeting. Fred Lee had a thank you letter from JoAnn Bohl, thanking the Post for their support and confidence in her as she received the Legion’s award for Teacher of the Year at the State level.
Fred reported on the State Convention held recently in Watertown. At that convention, Hugh Holmes of Mitchell, was elected as our new Department Commander for 2017-2018. The Commander announced that State Commander’s homecoming will be Saturday, July 22, in Mitchell.
The Commander also mentioned that he had purchased a flag case for the William H Crippen memorial flag to be left in the clubroom. There was some discussion on a future memorial in Humboldt.
Before the meeting ended, a motion was made to have our 20th Annual Dinner Party on Saturday, September 9, 2017.
After these discussions, the meeting was adjourned.
Auxiliary Report
by Connie Lueth, Secretary
Our regular meeting was held Monday, July 3 with 7 members present, including long-time member, Sharon Rehfeldt. The secretary’s report from the June 5 meeting was read and approved. We had no treasurer’s report.
We had one thank you card from Charlie Beck. The Executive Board met last month; and the Lunch and Auxiliary Committees were handed out to members who were present. Plans for Bingo at the VA at 2:00 pm Thursday, July 13th were discussed and finalized. Our Girl State Representatives will present their reports next month.
Lorena and Donna gave an interesting report on the State Convention last month in Watertown. Our unit received a certificate for “Giving 10 to Education.”
Meeting was adjourned. Connie Lueth won the door prize, and Barb Bassett and Agnes Even served lunch. Next month servers will be Tom and Colleen Puthoff and Leroy and Connie Lueth.
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