Legion Report
by Fred Lee (fotofred4u@q.com)
The William H Crippen Post 62 of Humboldt held their regular meeting on Monday, August 7, 2017. We had the salute to the Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes and Treasurer’s reports were given and approved. It was noted that Neal Even was at home now. No new reports of anyone on sick call, just a few recovering. It was also noted that our oldest Legionnaire, Louis Jarding, had his 97th birthday on Saturday.
Commander Chuck Dubbe enlisted members to carry the Colors at the Threshing Bee next weekend. He also discussed the baseball games that just completed in Humboldt. We discussed the Dinner Party coming up and it was mentioned that this year’s event would be Saturday, September 16. There are some tickets available if someone seeing this would like to attend, see a Legionnaire.
During the remainder of the meeting, we discussed our possible future memorial.
The meeting was adjourned.
Auxiliary Report
by Connie Lueth, Secretary
The William H Crippen American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 62, held their regular meeting Monday, August 7. The meeting was called to order by President Donna Beck with 13 members and two guests, Girl State Representative, Erin Kueter, and her mother, Rhonda Kueter. After our regular opening, Erin, gave a very interesting report on Girl State. She also explained that our other representative, Jesika Tieszen, sent her regrets, but was in New York City for a family wedding. After the report was finished, we invited Erin and her mom to stay if they wished, or leave at that time, not making them stay all evening. They chose to leave, and we continued with the secretary’s report from the July 3 meeting, which was approved. The treasurer’s report was given and placed on file.
Dianne Struck, our Sunshine Chairlady, reported sending sympathy cards to Lowell DeVries for the loss of his wife, and to Betty Grace for the loss of her husband, Francis Grace; and a get well card to Steve Becker.
Bingo at the VA had gone well with Dianne Struck, Barb Bassett, and Donna Beck there to help.
Membership is due beginning now in August.
It was decided to donate money to go toward expenses of the Newsletter that Fred Lee puts out for us.
We also decided to bring gifts again, not money, for the Veterans’ Christmas gifts for their families. Motion carried. Some suggestions were towel sets, kitchen sets, men’s and women’s gloves, flannel shirts-large for men and women, throws, wallets, etc. No toys, perfumes, or lotions. Gifts should be brought to the November meeting.
The meeting was adjourned. Sheryl Siemonsma won the door prize, and lunch was served by Colleen and Tom Puthoff and Connie and Leroy Lueth with assistance from Shirley Price. September’s lunch will be served by Charles and Lorena Dubbe and Elsie Baye.
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