Monday, March 3, 2014

Crippen News online - Minutes - March 2014

Legion Report
by Fred Lee

The William H Crippen Post 62 held their regular meeting on Monday, March 3rd, with thirteen members present. This was after we enjoyed a potluck supper hosted by the Auxiliary for the Legion’s 95th birthday. After the meal, we conducted the meeting. We had the salute to the Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes  and treasurers reports from the previous meeting were read and approved. Officer Ken Struck was not present but left the sick call report. Gary Sevatson had been in the hospital and was resting at home and Ken (Bud) Lewin was in hospice care.

Commander Jerry Corey mentioned he had correspondence from the District Commander telling us about the Spring District meeting in Harrisburg on Friday, April 4. Social hour at 5 pm, meal at 6 pm followed by the meeting at 7 pm. Fred Lee and the Commander were at the County meeting in Baltic last week. They reported it was a good meeting with 9 of 10 Posts represented there. The meeting will be in Valley Springs this month, on March 25th. The Commander also had an invitation to all Legionnaires to celebrate the 95th birthday of The American Legion at the Sioux Falls Medical Center from the American Legion Auxiliary, Department of South Dakota. It will be on Saturday, March 15th, at 2 pm in the dining room of the 3rd Floor North.

Charles Dubbe gave a report on the cash raffle. He had tickets to hand out to those in attendance. 

Fred Lee commented on items in the ‘Up To Now’. One thing mentioned was that the VA will be issuing new ID cards. Those who have current cards will receive a new one in the mail. And all boys planning to attend American Legion Boys State need to be registered with the Boys State Registrar, Eugene Schumacher of Aberdeen, by April 1. We had some discussion on our dues for the coming Legion year, and a motion was made to leave our dues at $30/year. 

Dennis Erickson and Francis Sieverding told the members about information they had received regarding our future Veterans memorial. They gave us some details of what the memorial could look like and its cost. 

There was some discussion on our participation in the Humboldt celebration in June.

The next item of business for the meeting was our election of officers. After some discussion, Charles Dubbe was elected our new Commander for the coming Legion year. Pat Ordal was elected First Vice Commander. The other officers elected were as follows: Dennis Erickson, Second Vice Commander; Fred Lee, Adjutant and Historian; Tom Sieverding, Treasurer; Charles Beck, Chaplain; Charles Dubbe, Americanism Officer; Ken Stuck, Service Officer; Dave Froke, Sergeant-At-Arms; Tom Puthoff, Athletic Officer. Andy Bethke, Pat Ordal and Charlie Beck were elected to the Executive board.

After these discussions, the meeting was adjourned.

Auxiliary Report
by Donna Beck

The William H Crippen American Legion Auxiliary Unit 62 held their regular meeting Monday, March 3rd following a potluck supper to celebrate the American Legion’s birthday. President Connie Meyer called the meeting to order with twelve members present. We said the Pledge of Allegiance, sang our National Anthem and recited the Preamble to our Constitution. The minutes and treasurer’s reports of the previous meeting were given and approved.

A thank-you was received from the VA Medical Center for the Valentines for the veterans. Another thank-you was for our participation in the Dictionary project.

The District 7 president’s letter was read advising us end of year reports and the Americanism poem and essay winners are due by March 20th. Girls State Tea will be held in Salem on April 6th, Baltic on April 13th and Beresford on April 27th.

The District 7 Spring Meeting will be in Harrisburg, Friday, April 4th at 7 pm in the Harrisburg School library. Before the meeting, there will be a social hour at 5 pm and supper at 6 pm. Brief summaries of units’ activities.

We will serve the Humboldt Farm Mutual Insurance annual meeting supper on June 10th.

Community Service chairman, Wanda Artz, reminded us of the 125th Celebration fundraiser. Soup and Sweets supper on March 22nd and items for dessert for supper and/or the bake sale would be appreciated.

The meeting was adjourned. Connie Meyer won the door prize.