Monday, October 7, 2013

Crippen News Online - Minutes, October 2013

Legion Report
by Fred Lee (

The William H Crippen Post 62 held their regular meeting on Monday, October 7th, with eleven members present. We had the salute to the Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes and treasurer’s report from the previous meeting were read and approved. Post Treasurer Tom Sieverding gave a report on the Dinner party. Everyone agreed it was a success and we discussed small changes for next year. Service Officer Ken Struck was not present but Hans Sieverding mentioned Ken Lewin was in the VA hospital and Douglas Meyer told us Neal Even took a turn with a young bull at the farm and is  a little worse for wear but still talking about it.
Commander Jerry Corey received a thank you card from Myron & Marlene Schievelbein for our remembrance of his sister and read a letter from Rachel Schartz thanking the post for all we have done for her. Douglas Meyer thanked the post for our remembrance of his family after he lost his sister.
A motion was made to pay Bob Kueter for mowing at the memorial on the north end of town.
There was some discussion on our gun cabinet and it was decided to purchase a chain and lock for it.
We had a County meeting and a District meeting last month. The County meeting was in Dell Rapids and was the first one of the fall season. Our post will host the county meeting in November. The District meeting in Tea had an average turn-out. The State Commander went over his ideas for the coming Legion year. He announced plans for our 100th anniversary of the American Legion in 2019.
The Commander asked those present to think about ideas for the memorial and ideas about our float at the parade next year.
Charles Dubbe gave a report on the Oratory program this year. He had received the Oratory packet from Watertown and took it to the school, where he visited with the consoler there. He also told those present of some constructive changes this year with the Oratory contest. There was some discussion on these changes and other suggestions made at the meeting.
Before the meeting ended, we signed a get-well card to be sent to G.D.”Hoot” Gibson.
After these discussions, the meeting was adjourned.
Auxiliary Report
by Donna Beck

The William H Crippen American Legion Auxiliary Unit 62 held their regular meeting Monday, October 7th in the Community Center. The meeting was called to order by President Connie Meyer with fifteen members present. We said the Pledge of Allegiance, sang our National Anthem and recited the Preamble to our Constitution.

The minutes and treasures reports of the September 2nd meeting were given and approved.

The District 7 President’s letter stated mid-year reports are due November 1 and locations for the Girls State Teas are needed.

Our unit will host a social hour for the veterans at the VA Medical Center Saturday, October 26. Lorena Dubbe is in charge and several members volunteered to go to help. Connie Meyer and Donna Beck reported on the Fall Conference. Walter Reed Hospital is accepting Christmas cards addressed to Recovering American Soldier. We will obtain the correct address so cards may be sent. Ten flash drives will be given to the school for our Give 10 to Education project. Donations will be given to the Fire Department, the Ambulance Service and the Community Center.

Our Veterans Day Supper will be Monday, November 11, at 7 pm. Sheryl Siemonsma and Dawn Hahn will be in charge. They will prepare roast beef, potatoes, and buns. Members are to bring salads and desserts.

Our soup and pie lunch will be Saturday, November 23 and we will observe American Education Week on November 18-23. Membership dues are due.

The meeting was adjourned. Dawn Hahn won the door prize. Colleen Puthoff and Connie Lueth served lunch.
