Thursday, July 24, 2014

Crippen News online - July 2014

Legion Report
by Fred Lee (
The William H Crippen Post 62 held their regular meeting on Monday, July 7th, with eleven members  present. Stan McKercher, our newest member to our Post from Florida and a Vietnam veteran, presented a report on Agent Orange in Vietnam he has been working on.  It was a very interesting discussion. After his presentation, minutes and treasurers reports from the previous meeting were read and approved. Service Officer Ken Struck was not present and others reported what they knew regarding sick call. Albert Stensaas was still in the hospital and Myron Schievelbein was getting re-hab in Brandon and Leon Lee is in the Golden Living nursing home in Salem. 
Fred Lee and Charles Dubbe reported on the State convention. Tim Jurgens from Milbank was elected as our new Department Commander. The weather was great and it was a good convention.
Neal Even reported on the parade held at the Humboldt celebration. He said they all had a great time riding on the Army truck the Post sponsored.  A motion was made to help with the expenses of getting the truck to the parade. 
The raffle was discussed and it will be concluded in the next week or so. 
The Legion baseball team will be having a tournament on July 16th and they wanted a Color Guard for it. Other business included a motion to pay for the mowing of the Bob Searl Memorial area.

After these discussions, the meeting was adjourned.
Auxiliary Report
by Donna Beck
The William H Crippen American Legion Auxiliary Unit 62 held their regular meeting Monday, July 7th in the Community Center. President Connie Meyer called the meeting to order with eleven members present. We said the Pledge of Allegiance, sang the National Anthem and recited the Preamble to our Constitution. The minutes and treasurer’s report of the previous meeting were given and approved.
Our Girls Stater, Rachel Schartz, told us about her week at Girls State, the offices she ran for, the scholarship she received, and thanked us for sending her.
Wanda Artz thanked all who hosted at the Museum for Humboldt’s 125th Celebration. The Sunshine committee sent get-well cards to Albert Stensaas and Myron Schievelbein and a sympathy card to our Department Secretary, Dianne Hudson. Next year’s committees have not been set up yet. Lorena Dubbe reported on the State Convention.
Our unit is scheduled to host bingo at the VA Medical Center on Thursday, July 17. The meeting was adjourned. Agnes Even won the door prize. Agnes Even and Ann Schartz served lunch.
Commander Tim Jurgens Announces Appointments
Warren Aas of Watertown to a two-year term as Department Service Officer
Terry Hanson of Arlington to a one-year term as Department Service Officer
Dennis Brenden of Watertown to a one-year term as Public Relations Officer
Ken Orrock of Rapid City to a three-year term as Department Judge Advocate
Gary Wolkow of DeSmet to a two-year term as Department Finance Officer
Fred Lee of Humboldt to a one-year term as Department Historian
Mark Weinmann to a four-year term as a member of the Internal Affairs Commission
Wessington Springs Loses Post Home
The Wessington Springs community was devastated by a tornado that ripped through town on June 18th. The American Legion Post 14 home was on the top of the hill coming into Wessington Springs and the tornado completely destroyed the facility. State Headquarters was also notified Past Department Commander Norman Tapken lost his home.
A collection was taken on the State Convention floor and Legionnaires donated $851 to the Post. The South Dakota American Legion Press Association approved $1,000 out of their fund for Post 14.
Any Post wishing to donate to Wessington Springs Post 14 can send their donations to State Headquarters and it will be forwarded to the Post.


Dinner Party - Saturday, Sept 13 at 7 pm