Legion Report
by Fred Lee (fotofred4u@q.com)
The William H Crippen Post 62 of Humboldt held their regular meeting on Monday, April 3, 2017. We had the salute to the Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes and Treasurer’s reports were given and approved. Hugh Holmes was visiting our Post and talked to us about his ideas. He said his motto would be “Forward” as he campaigns for State Commander. He said the Posts need to continue doing what they are doing, and do it the best they can. It was mentioned that Dale Lofswold has had knee replacement and was home. Louis Jarding is living at the Sanford hospice house on 43rd Street.
Under old business, Chuck cleaned out the briefcase and found some old certificates that needed to be given out. Some old letters regarding the contributions made for the Community building and they were filed.
The Commander told the members that JoAnn Bohl received the District award for Educator of the Year and now will go on to the State contest.
Under new business, Chuck told the membership the national Oratory contest would be this month. The American Legion pays the airfare Katrina Callahan and one parent. A motion was made to pay the airfare for the other parent if needed. The Auxiliary would help with this cost. Adjutant Fred Lee gave a report on the Spring District meeting held recently in Canistota. District Legionnaire of the Year was Bill Huntimer from Dell Rapids. Ed Stringer from Sioux Falls was elected our next District Commander. He reported our membership had not changed since last month.
The Commander told the members he had set a couple markers in the cemetery and more markers would be ordered.
Before the meeting ended, our Election of Officers was held. All our current officers were re-elected to their various positions. They are as follows: Commander-Charles Dubbe; 1st Vice Commander-Dennis Erickson; 2nd Vice Commander-Douglas Meyer; Adjutant and Historian-Fred Lee; Finance Officer-Francis Sieverding; Chaplain-Charlie Beck; Americanism Officer-Charles Dubbe; Service Officer-Ken Struck; Sergeant-At-Arms-Jerry Corey; Athletic Officer-Tom Puthoff. Ken Struck and Jerry Corey were re-elected to the Executive Board.
Before the meeting ended, we discussed the baseball program.
After these discussions, the meeting was adjourned.
Auxiliary Report
by Barb Bassett, Acting Secretary
The William H. Crippen Humboldt American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 62, held their April meeting on Monday, April 3, 2017. After our regular opening, the secretary’s report from the March 6th meeting was read and approved. The Treasurer’s report was given, and the report was placed on file.
We received thank you’s from the Girl Scouts, the Humboldt Elementary Student Council, and also from Humboldt Elementary Principal, Mr. Alley. Sunshine committee sent a get well card to Dale Lofswold.
The monthly Letter from District President, Teresa Huntimer, told about the people running for National Office. There will be a recruiter pin given to people who sign up new members; and we are happy to sign up new member, Cindy Perring.
Details concerning the Mothers’ Tea were discussed and decided upon. The event will be held at the Humboldt Community Center on Thursday, May 11th at 7:00 pm. All ladies are cordially invited. Election of officers will occur at our May Meeting.
It was suggested that members not sign up for membership via email. They have been having difficulty with it. Just wait until the notices come through the mail.
Meeting was adjourned. Shirley Price won the door prize, and lunch was provided by Wanda Artz and Dale and Jackie Lofswold. Shirley helped Wanda serve in the absence of Jackie. Next month servers will be Francis and Phyllis Sieverding and Cathy Fleishhacker.
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