Monday, May 5, 2014

Crippen News online - minutes - May 2014

Legion Report
by Fred Lee (

The William H Crippen Post 62 held their regular meeting on Monday, May 5th, with eight members  and one guest present. Eddie Baye, an active Legion member from the Highmore area and new resident of Humboldt was again visiting our meeting. Minutes  and treasurers reports from the previous meeting were read and approved. New Commander Charles Dubbe was conducting his first meeting. Communications included a dividend check from the local electric company and a letter and check from the Russell Warner estate requesting a casket flag to be flown on Memorial Day in his honor and a thank-you card from the Bud Lewin family. Service Officer Ken Struck was not present at the meeting, but left the sick call report. There were no reports of any one new on sick call.
Commander Dubbe reported on and received money from ticket sales for the William H Crippen Cash raffle. There are still tickets available, and you can see any Legion member for details. He reported on the County meeting in Sioux Falls this past month. It was a good meeting and the next meeting would be in Brandon in September.
We discussed our Memorial Day activities and various parts of it were finalized. The Memorial Day program will be in the Community Center on Monday, May 26th, starting at 10:30 am. Flag pole set-up will be prior to that weekend and the exact day and time will be made later. Flags will be received at the cemeteries on Memorial Day morning at 7 am and chairs set up in the Community Center afterward around 8 am. Our speaker will be Diane Diekman, a retired Navy Captain. We hope to have the West Central High School band. Discussion on our supplies for Memorial Day was held and we decided to order grave markers and stick flags.
There was discussion on the activities we are planning for the celebration in June. We discussed a possible float for the celebration. We also selected delegates for the State convention in June. 

After this business was finished, the meeting was adjourned.

Auxiliary Report
by Donna Beck
The William H Crippen American Legion Auxiliary Unit 62 held their regular meeting Monday, May 5th in the Community Center. President Connie Meyer called the meeting to order with thirteen members present. We said the Pledge of Allegiance, sang the National Anthem and recited the Preamble to our Constitution. The minutes and treasurer’s reports of the previous meeting were given and approved.
The Sunshine Committee sent get-well cards to Dawn Hahn, Fred Lee and Arlis Hentges.
The Mother’s Tea plans have all been made. Wanda Artz read a story about the Tea telling it started about fifty years ago.
The Humboldt Farm Mutual Insurance supper was discussed and we are to plan for about forty people. Our Unit will help pay for the photo booth at the 125th Celebration. The Wounded Warrior Project was discussed. 
Officers were elected. They are: Connie Meyer, president; Connie Lueth, vice president; Donna Beck, secretary; Sheryl Siemonsma, treasurer; Jean Erickson, chaplain; Ruby Sundermann, historian; Molly Stensaas, parliamentarian and Kelly Fox and Jackie Lofswold, sergeant-at-arms.

The meeting was adjourned. Shirley Price won the door prize. Rosie Sieverding and Jackie Lofswold served lunch.