Minnehaha County Meetings - 2016 - 2017
Apr 26 - Garretson
Jun 28 - Hartford
Aug 30 - Sioux Falls
Oct 25 - Humboldt
Feb 28 - Valley Springs
Apr 25 - Baltic
Jun 27 - Brandon
Jul 4 Avenue of Flags at the VA - Brandon
Aug 29 - Colton
Oct 24 - Dell Rapids
Feb 28, 2018 - Garretson
Minnehaha County Commander
David Huntimer - Dell Rapids
Nylis "Gene" Renschler II
Avenue of Flags at the VA Hospital
July 4, 2017 - Brandon
A motion at the Jan 2016 meeting in Colton changed the meetings from the Sept thru Apr format to an every other month format excluding Dec and starting Feb 2016.
The meeting will start at 8 pm as listed above. The local Post Commander will open and close the county meetings. They will have a short (10-20) minute informative program and will serve lunch following the meeting. The host post will also pay the county fee of $5 the night of the meeting as per the minutes.
Online version of American Legion Post 62 of Humboldt, South Dakota's newsletter, "The Crippen News".
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Monday, January 2, 2017
Crippen News online - January 2017
Legion Report
by Fred Lee (fotofred4u@q.com)
The William H Crippen Post 62 of Humboldt held their regular meeting on Monday, January 2, 2017. We had the salute to the Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes and Treasurer’s reports were given and approved. There were no reports of anyone currently on sick call.
Commander Charles Dubbe discussed the second competition of our Oratory contest coming up this week. It will be on Saturday, January 7, beginning at 1 pm. He had the judges for this event. He also announced that the District Oratory contest would be in Humboldt on Sunday, January 15, beginning at 1 pm in the Community Center. The Auxiliary will help us with the light lunch.
The Commander talked about a Spring fundraiser and ideas were discussed. There will be more on this later.
Adjutant Fred Lee reviewed items from the “Up To Now”. Charles Beck said he had visited Francis Grace in the nursing home over Christmas. He mentioned the Valentines for Veterans concert at the Washington Pavilion on February 4 at 3 pm. Complimentary tickets for the concert starring the Kentucky Headhunters. All Veterans may reserve up to two tickets by calling 605-333-6851 or 605-333-6806.
After these discussions, the meeting was adjourned.
Auxiliary Report
by acting secretary Connie Meyer
The William H. Crippen American Legion Auxiliary Unit 62 of Humboldt held their regular meeting Monday, January 2, 2017, with 6 members present. After our regular opening, the secretary’s report from our December 5th meeting was read and approved. The treasurer’s report was given and placed on file.
A letter from District President, Teresa Huntimer, reminded Auxiliaries of upcoming dates. Among those dates were the District 7 Oratory Contest will be held January 15 in Humboldt; January 22-snow date.
The Veterans’ Annual Concert at the Washington Pavilion will be held on February 4. The Kentucky Head Hunters will provide the entertainment. Veterans may call 605-333-6851 or 605-333-6806, or go directly to the VA to order 2 free tickets. Midwinter Conference will be held February 10-12 at Cedar Shore in Oacoma. Our unit will be furnishing a pkg of tube socks for the Children & Youth Project, Socks of Love.
Several thank you notes for the Christmas gifts were received. Thank yous were read from Louine Schaufler, Neal Even, Liz Jarding, and Myrna Searl.
We will be providing bars and coffee for a lunch before the Oratory Contest begins on January 15th.
The belated monetary gift exchange for Christmas designated for the VA that we elected to delay until our January meeting was postponed again until our February meeting. Members, **please bring your monetary gifts to our February 6th meeting**.
It was decided that we will provide a basket of Avon products for the silent auction at Midwinter Conference for which this year’s President’s Choice Recipient will be the VA Hospital in Hot Springs for which a speaker system is needed.
The meeting was adjourned. Connie Lueth won the door prize; and lunch was served by Charlie and Donna Beck and Lile and Theresa Meyer. Next month servers will be Sheryl Siemonsma and Marvin & Shirley Price.
District Oratory Winner Goes to State Contest
Katrina Callahan, second from left, won the District 7 Oratory contest and will compete with other district winners at the State Oratory Contest in February.
Three high school students competed at the District 7 American Legion Oratory Contest on Sunday, January 15, 2017 in Humboldt. They are shown here with our District Officers. From left; Courtney Van Zanten, District 7 Commander; Katrina, a Senior at West Central High School; Teresa Huntimer, District 7 Auxiliary President; Nobel Nothstine, a Freshman at Garretson High School; Alex Lorang, a Senior at Lincoln High School in Sioux Falls; and District 7 Americanism Chairman, PDC Mark Weinmann
Hats in the Ring
Battle Creek Post 303 of Hermosa has endorsed Richard MacDonald for the position of Alternate Executive Committeeman for 2017-2019.
Bensley-Rounds Post 280 of Iroquois has endorsed Annette Dunham for the position of Department Vice Commander for Districts 3-8 for 2017-2018.
Boys State Planning Meeting Scheduled
American Legion Boys State Corporation will hold a planning meeting at 10 am, Wed, Feb 8, 2017, at American Legion Post 8 Home in Pierre, SD. This meeting finalized the 2017 Boys State Session and handles any other business of the Corporation. Boys State has picked a new Boys State Registrar, his contact info is: PDC Rick MacDonald, 24195 Alkan Ln, Hermosa, SD 57744, email is: rickymac1955@gmail.com and home phone is: 605-255-5587.
Post Member Spotlight
Roger Bradley is a 5-year member of our Post. He is a Vietnam Era veteran.
He enlisted into the US Navy in May, 1969. He took boot camp at the Naval Training Center in San Diego, CA. He served on a submarine as an Electronics Technician. When he left the service in May, 1977, he was a First Class Petty Officer. He went back to farming in South Dakota.
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