Legion Report
by Fred Lee (fotofred4u@q.com)
The William H Crippen Post 62 of Humboldt held their regular meeting on Monday, October 5th, with seven members and present. We had the salute to the Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes and treasurers reports from the previous meeting were read and approved. Sick call was discussed and it was noted Lawrence Lambertz and Lile Meyer both had a knees replaced and were resting at home. We received a thank you card from John Petri.
Tom Sieverding reported on the Dinner Party and gave the membership the details. Terry Grosz was the lucky winner of the grand prize.Other winners included; Tom Puthoff, $500; Gib Bassett, $250; and Donna Beck, $125. Steve Becker, Joe Schartz, Darin Garry, Marge Shumaker, Marsha Pressler, Shelley Fetters, Ed Baye, Dianne Struck, Daryl Sieverding and Jim Struck each won $50. Our thanks to everyone who bought a ticket for our fundraiser.
Charlie Beck told everyone about the District Fall meeting held recently in Dell Rapids. One of the things mentioned was the dues increase next year. He reported on the EROS Veterans Tour that was held a couple weeks ago. He said around 50 people attended this tour.
Fred Lee passed out Commanders pins to those who had helped at recent funeral details. Our dues increase was discussed and a motion by Dennis Erickson, seconded by Charlie Beck, to increase our dues to $35 after January 1, 2016.
Commander Charles Dubbe mentioned highlights from some items in the “Up To Now”. He said the District Oratory contest would be in Dell Rapids on January 10, 2016.
Before the meeting ended, we discussed the baseball team and it is hoped we can increase our contributions to the team next year.
After these discussions, the meeting was adjourned.
Auxiliary Report
by Connie Lueth
Our October meeting was opened in regular form by President Donna Beck with 10 members present. The September minutes were read by Secretary Connie Lueth and approved. Treasurer Sheryl Siemonsma gave the Treasure’s Report which he was placed on file. There were no bills presented to pay.
President Donna said that Dianne Struck had reported that she had sent cards to Lile Meyer, Doug Meyer, Carol Lee, and Agnes Even.
Plans for Veterans’ Day Supper were discussed. We decide that we will provide a basic Beef Stew, with members bringing either a salad or a dessert.
The VA will not take the gifts that were donated last month to Veterans until after Veteran’s Day due to a lack of storage; so time has been extended if anyone wanted to donate, but missed the October 1 deadline.
Our Auxiliary will serve Bingo at the VA October 24 at 2:00 p.m. Anyone wishing to volunteer for this is welcome to contact Lorena Dubbe.
Discussion over past obligations led to a couple of minor changes, otherwise they remain the same.
The committee for the Soup n Pie consists of Jackie Lofswold, Colleen Puthoff, and Lorena Dubbe. They will be contacting members for donations and workers to help make this a success.
Wanda Artz is in charge of gifts we send to our local Veterans who are stationed elsewhere at Christmas time. She asked that members help her by making suggestions for gifts, as well as, to let her know of anyone who will need a gift this year.
The meeting was adjourned. Donna Beck won the door prize. Tom and Colleen Puthoff and Leroy and Connie Lueth served lunch. November servers will be Charles and Lorena Dubbe, and Ed and Elsie Baye.
Attention Veterans:
We will be holding a beef stew supper
With members providing a delicious salad or dessert
On Veteran’s Day, November 11, at 7:00 p.m.,
In the Humboldt Community Center.
Please feel welcome!
The Humboldt American Legion Auxiliary
Upon unanimous approval of the Finance Commission and the Department Executive Committee, the Legion News will cease hard copy distribution to all members. The last edition to be mailed to all members is the October issue. The Legion News will be increased from 4 issues to 6 issues and will be posted on the South Dakota American Legion website at www.sdlegion.org. Two hard copies will be mailed out to all Posts. An email list is being started at State Headquarters and Legion News will be emailed to all those who wish to be included. —Department Adjutant Dennis Brenden
Deadline Approaching for Ed Loans
The new application deadline for Eduction Loans is December 1st. Loans received after the deadline will be held until the following year. The loan deadline was changed by the Department Executive Committee to once a year at their July 18, 2015, meeting.
Post Member Spotlight
Tom Puthoff is a thirty-four year member of our Post. He was a Vietnam War Era veteran.
Tom enlisted into the 147th Field Artillery of the Army National Guard in August, 1970. He took his basic and AIT training at Ft Knox, Kentucky. His MOS was Field Communications and he was attached to the Headquarters Battalion.
While on summer training in the Black Hills of South Dakota in June, 1972, a storm hit Rapid City that became the Rapid City flood. His Company was activated at this time to help in whatever they could during this tragedy.
Tom left the service as a Sergeant E5, in July 1976.
2016 District Oratorical Contests
Sites and times have been selected to host the District Oratorical Contests. Many heard from members of the Americanism Commission during the fall meetings on the importance of our young people studying the Constitution of the United States. In today’s world, these young people will be instrumental in seeing that our Constitution remains in tact and will teach others the importance of our Constitution.
District 7 - (Lake, Lincoln, McCook, Minnehaha, Moody, Union counties) Chairman William Dolan, Beresford. District 7 Contest will be held at the Dell Rapids American Legion Post 65, on January 10, 2016 at 2 pm. Storm date, January 17th, same place and time.
County Meeting-Baltic-Oct 27-8 pm
Legion Meeting - Monday, Nov 2 - 7:30 pm
Auxiliary Meeting - Monday, Nov 2 - 7:30 pm