Thursday, June 13, 2013

Our National Commander

Post Commander Jerry Corey, right, receives
National Commander James Koutz'
autographed photo at a recent event in May, 2013,
at Sioux Falls Post 15 post home.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Minutes - June, 2013

Legionnaires Discuss Memorial Details
by Fred Lee (

The William H Crippen Post 62 held their regular meeting on Monday, June 3rd, with nine members present. The Commander was absent and the meeting was conducted by Vice Commander Charles Dubbe. At the beginning of our meeting, we had two individuals from Mollet Memorials give a presentation to the membership. Marion Mollet and Allen Schrag gave us some ideas on constructing a memorial in Humboldt. After their presentation, we continued our meeting. We had the salute to the Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes and treasurer’s report from the previous meeting were read and approved. Service Officer Ken Struck stated no one was currently on sick call.
Francis Sieverding gave the group a report on the flag poles and after  some discussion we will be leaving the price at $100 per flag pole. We recently finished installing more inserts for the flag poles. There was also a motion to pay the extra cost of the poles we recently purchased. We also discussed our Memorial Day activities and everyone agreed that, except for the rainy and cloudy weather, it was a success.
Charles Dubbe made an Americanism report. He said he had discussed our Boys States expenses with the Hartford Commander and together they thought it would be fair if these expenses were shared by the Posts. That was made into a motion at the meeting. He also stated he had been in contact with an organization called ‘The Daughters of the American Revolution’ with regard to our Oratory program. He also reported on giving awards at Graduation at West Central school.
There was some discussion on who the delegates would vote for at the convention and also who would be going. Commander Jerry Corey, Fred Lee and Charles Beck said they would  be going to the convention. It will be on the first weekend of June this year in Rapid City.
Charles Beck attended Blue Cap day in Aberdeen during Boys State activities. He reported on the day’s activities to everyone present. He had a grandson and two great nephews present there this year.
Douglas Meyer and Charles Beck reported on the National Commander’s visit to the area.
Before the meeting ended, there was some discussion on our memorial plans.
After these discussions, the meeting was adjourned.
Auxiliary Report
by Donna Beck
The William H Crippen American Legion Auxiliary Unit 62 held their regular meeting Monday, June 3rd. The meeting was called to order by President Connie Meyer with eleven members present.  Our Girls Staters, Jenna Mammenga and Alanna Schmeichel, and their mothers, were our guests. We said the Pledge of Allegiance, sang our National Anthem and recited the Preamble to our Constitution.

Alanna and Jenna told us they learned about city, county and state governments by being assigned to a mythical political party and city and carrying out the election process in each government and they ran for various offices. Each thanked our unit for sponsoring them.

The minutes and treasures reports of the May 6 meeting were given and approved.

Thank yous were received from Lois Mammenga and Ruby Kramer for prizes they received at the Mothers Tea. Jenna Mammenga’s thank you was for the necklace we gave her. The Sunshine Committee sent a sympathy card to Laynard & Jean Friske and a get well card to Myron Schievelbein.

Memorial Day went well. Poppies were given out and there was plenty food for the pot luck lunch.
We will give Fred Lee additional money for newsletter expenses and share the registration fee with the Hartford Auxiliary for the girl that went to Girls State Journalism City.
We will take a cookbook to the silent auction at the State Convention in Rapid City in June.
The Executive Board will meet Wednesday, June 5th, to set up the committees for the coming year.

The meeting was adjourned. Barb Bassett won the door prize. Lunch was served by Carol Lee and Dianne Struck.

