Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day 2013

Memorial Day 2013
Even on a cloudy and rainy day, they look great.
The sun even came out briefly in the afternoon. 

Tommy Holdahl and Dave Froke
(Click on either photo to get the full effect)

Thursday, May 23, 2013

National Commander in Garretson

James Koutz, the National Commander of The American Legion, was in Garretson SD and addressed the need for continuing support from the Legion for veterans, as well as to women who are members of the Legion and to veterans and communities across the nation.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Minutes - May, 2013

Legionnaires Plan Memorial Day
by Fred Lee (

The William H Crippen Post 62 held their regular meeting on Monday, May 6, with twelve members present. We had the salute to the Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes and treasurer’s report from the previous meeting were read and approved. Our Service Officer was not present, and no one was reported on sick call. Legion member Jim Harden, who lives in Florida, had been in the hospital, and is now at home and Gib Bassett had an overnight stay in the VA.
Most of the meeting was spent discussing our Memorial Day activities. This year Memorial Day will be observed on Monday, May 27th, with the program starting at 10:30 am in the Community Center. Flag poles will be put up on Friday, May 24th, at 5 pm. We will load the poles at the Hentges farm and proceed to the cemeteries. On Memorial Day, we will receive flags at the cemeteries at 7 am, set up chairs around 8 am for the program at 10:30 am. There will be a Community potluck following there at noon. Please bring a dish to share.
Auxiliary Report
by Donna Beck
The William H Crippen American Legion Auxiliary Unit 62 held their regular meeting Monday, May 6th. The meeting was called to order by President Connie Meyer with thirteen members present.  The secretary and treasurer’s reports were given.

A thank you was received from Children’s Care Hospital for our donation. Dept President Barb Vetter thanked us for hosting the Dist 7 meeting and gift she received.The Schartz family thanked us for the help with their expenses to the National Oratory contest. Rachel thanked us for our encouragement, support and the reception we gave her.

A donation will be given to the Buddy Walk for Down Syndrome awareness. Six poppy wreaths were redone for Memorial Day and the pot luck was discussed.

The Garretson Unit invited us to come meet the National Commander at their Post home on May 23 at a 6:30 social hour followed by a supper where he will speak.

Officers were elected. They are: Connie Meyer, President; Connie Lueth, Vice President; Donna Beck, secretary; Sheryl Siemonsma, treasurer; Jean Erickson, Chaplain; Ruby Sundermann, Historian; Molly Stensaas, Parliamentarian; and Kelly Fox and Jackie Lofswold, Sergeant-At-Arms.

The meeting was adjourned. Agnes Even won the door prize. Lunch was served by Rosie Sieverding.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Department Fundraiser

 Each ticket holder will be eligible for a weekly drawing of $150. You may win as many times as your ticket is drawn during the year. All profits from the fundraiser will be used to upgrade your Department Headquarters.

Here are all the winners!
52nd Week-Paul Setnes, Estelline
51st Week-Al Colgrove, Lemmon
50th Week-Justin Longville, Lake Preston
49th Week-Marvin Walz, Vermillion 
48th Week-American Legion Post 148, Conde
47th Week-Dave Jones, Lake Preston
46th Week-Royce Loesch, Pierre
45th Week-Dennis Wilkerson, Hermosa
44th Week--Francis Karst, Hoven
43rd Week--Lisa Stoltenberg, Pierre
42nd Week--Bob Bender, Hartford
41st Week--Mark Hodges, Lake Preston
40th Week--Mike Tolzin, Lake Preston
39th Week--Kennebec-Reliance Post 179
38th Week--Kahne Hanson, Arlington
37th Week--Larry Zimmerman, Rapid City
36th Week--Leo Reiffenberger, Lake Preston
35th Week--Mary Johnson, Pierre
34th Week--Brent Symens, Willow Lake
33rd Week--Sue Diekmann, Sioux Falls
32nd Week--John Vincent, Lake Preston
31st Week--Martin Post 240, Martin
30th Week--Paul Olson, Presho
29th Week--Lyle DeHaai, Chamberlain
28th Week--Janet Van Sanbeek, Milbank
27th Week--American Legion Post 9, Milbank
26th Week--Pat Coyle, Huron
25th Week--Ryan Hageman, Lake Preston
24th Week--Verlyn Muller, Lennox
23rd Week--Doris Scheuffele, Aberdeen
22nd Week--Charemon Dunham, Iroquois
21st Week--Mark Hodges, Lake Preston
20th Week--Watertown Mounted Color Guard, Watertown
19th Week--Ross Sperry, Blunt
18th Week--Tyler Johnson, Watertown
17th Week--Hugh Holmes, Mitchell
16th Week--Lennox Post 174, Lennox
15th Week--John Vincent, Lake Preston
14th Week--Bill Erhart, Lemmon
13th Week--Bob Byer, Watertown
12th Week--Diane MacDonald, Rapid City
11th Week--Verle Whipple, Martin
10th Week--Gary Lenz, DeSmet
9th Week--Dean Ideker, Sturgis
8th Week--Frank Whipple, Chamberlain
7th Week--Ben Nepodal, Arlington
6th Week--Danny McLauglin, Lake Preston
5th Week--Mike Mullen, Piedmont
4th Week--Carol Edwards, Lead
3rd Week--Sioux Falls Post 15, Sioux Falls
2nd Week--Delores Colgrove, Lemmon
1st Week---Scott Mausbach, DeSmet