Monday, December 2, 2013

Crippen News online - Minutes - December 2013

Legion Report
by Fred Lee (

The William H Crippen Post 62 held their regular meeting on Monday, December 2nd, with nine members present. This was after a Christmas pot-luck supper with the Auxiliary members.  We had the salute to the Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes from the previous meeting were read and approved. The Treasurer was not at the meeting. Service Officer Ken Struck was not present but others in attendance mentioned that Steve Pressler was feeling better, Myron Schievelbein was at home, Ken Lewin had been in and out of the hospital and Dennis Erickson was taking some rehab.
Fred Lee read a letter from the VAVS. We decided to table any contribution until our next meeting. We gave Charlie Beck a round of applause for his hours of volunteering at the VA Hospital. Fred had a picture of Francis Grace receiving his 50 year plaque and an idea for get well cards. Membership was mentioned and we have five people left to pay.
Charles Dubbe gave a report on the Oratory program. The first round of competition is coming up next week on December 12 in the afternoon at West Central High School. The finals will be on Saturday, January 4, starting at 1 pm. We discussed the rules we would be using in judging at the local level. We hope to have as many Legionnaires are there to help with this program.
Fred Lee discussed the recent County meeting held in Humboldt in November. We had a small turnout but those present did hear about the Sioux Falls school board meeting recently held regarding the Pledge of Allegiance. Bryon Hahn was our speaker and gave an interesting talk about the Humboldt Sharpshooters BB gun club. Our next County meeting will be on Jan 28 in Renner.
There was some discussion about the proposed Veterans memorial. There was some brainstorming on the subject.
After these discussions, the meeting was adjourned.
Auxiliary Report
by Donna Beck
The William H Crippen American Legion Auxiliary Unit 62 held their regular meeting Monday, December 2nd in the Community Center. A potluck supper with the Legion preceded the meeting. President Connie Meyer called the informal meeting to order with ten members present. The minutes and treasures reports of the November meeting were given and approved. President Connie Meyer thanked the members for all that was done in November—apples for the teachers, the dictionary project, Give 10 to Education and the soup and pie lunch.

A thank-you was read from Molly Stensaas for the door prize she received on Veterans Day. Principal Mat Alley sent a thank you for acknowledging the teachers during American Education Week and the ten flash drives given to the school. The third grade students all signed a thank you for the dictionaries they received.

Joyce Helgeson is our new member. Membership is now at fifty-two.
Community Service Chairman, Wanda Artz, reported six gifts were sent to those in the military and she has gifts for seventeen shut-ins and nursing home residents. Several members offered to deliver some of the gifts. The Humboldt Blizzard Bazaar will be December 14th at the Trophy Room. There will be food,  inflatables, chances on a quilt and other activities. All proceeds will  go to support Humboldt’s 125th anniversary celebration.

The money given in lieu of a Christmas gift will be given to the VA Medical Center for the coffee fund. The meeting was adjourned.
Continuous Membership Awards
Continuous Membership Awards were given out at our Veterans Day potluck supper. Twenty members received recognition for their continuous membership in the American Legion. Jerry Grace, Joni Langley and Dan Pressler had five years. Dale Papka and Joe Sieverding had ten years. Dave Froke had fifteen years. Dennis Burnett, Ed Hartle, David Hoon and John Mallinger had twenty years. Judy Saffell-Klima had twenty-five years. Eric Erickson had thirty years. Bob Mallinger had thirty-five years. Loren Even, Jim Ginsbach, and Bob Hanisch had forty years. Ken Struck had forty-five years. Francis Grace had fifty years and Neal Even and Nick Hoek Jr had sixty years. We congratulate all of them.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Crippen News online - Minutes - November 2013

Legion Report
by Fred Lee (

The William H Crippen Post 62 held their regular meeting on Monday, November 4th, with seven members and two guests present. We had the salute to the Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes and treasurer’s report from the previous meeting were read and approved. Service Officer Ken Struck was not present but others in attendance mentioned Steve Pressler had fallen off a grain bin and was resting at home after breaking some bones from the fall. We hope he is feeling better.
Commander Jerry Corey reported on the chain he had purchased for use with the gun cabinet. He also introduced Gary Henle, our District Commander, and Steve Gaspar. Steve was given the floor and presented our Post with a check from his dad’s estate. After his presentation, he was excused. The Commander also read a letter he received regarding a donation to the Post from Russell Warner’s estate. Other letters the Commander discussed were one asking about employing the disabled and another about employing veterans.
The Commander told the Post about the Veterans Day activities at the school and hoped as many as possible could attend. There will also be a supper in the Community Center on Veterans Day.
Fred Lee and Douglas Meyer discussed the recent County meeting in Hartford. We will host the County meeting next month and details about it were made. Fred Lee discussed the latest “Up To Nows” and gave out cap pins to Charles Dubbe and Charlie Beck for their help with Legion activities and told the membership about various discounts and Veterans Day meals for veterans.
Charles Dubbe gave a report on the Oratory program. He had met with JoAnn Bohl at the school and set the tentative date for the local contest for Thursday, December 12th and the final local contest on Saturday, January 4th. There was discussion about the prizes given and motions were made to set those in place. We also discussed other details of the contest.
There was a motion to supply turkeys for Turkey Day.
The Commander introduced our District Commander who told the Post about the National appointments from South Dakota. Charmon Dunham from Post 280 in Iroquois was appointed to be our National Historian. Ken Orrick from Post 22 was appointed Chairman of the National Membership committee. Terry Hanson from Arlington was appointed Americanism committee and Ken Teunissen from Sioux Falls was appointed to the National Security committee. He discussed membership and told us of upcoming event dates.
After these discussions, the meeting was adjourned.
Auxiliary Report
by Donna Beck
The William H Crippen American Legion Auxiliary Unit 62 held their regular meeting Monday, November 4th in the Community Center. The meeting was called to order by President Connie Meyer with eight members present. We said the Pledge of Allegiance, sang our National Anthem and recited the Preamble to our Constitution.The minutes and treasures reports of the October 7th meeting were given and approved.
A thank-you was received from the Fire Department and the Ambulance Service for our donation.
We will pay our yearly obligations and send money to the VA Medical Center for personal care items for the veterans. The Gift Shop at the VAMC will be December 2&3, 8 am to 4 pm and December 4, 8 am until noon.
Lorena Dubbe, Connie Lueth and Barb Bassett put on a social hour with refreshments for the veterans at the VAMC. The dictionaries have arrived so we will give them to the students this week and we will also present the ten flash drives to the school for our Give10 to Education project. American Education Week, November 18-23, will be observed by giving a thank-you and apple to all school staff. Our soup and pie lunch will be with Turkey Day, Saturday, November 23. We have donated two turkeys.
Community Service Chairman, Wanda Artz, reviewed the list of shut-ins and military  people we will be sending gifts for Christmas. We are to call her if we think of others who needed to be remembered.
The December meeting will be preceded by a pot luck supper at 7 pm. Dessert will be furnished. In lieu of a gift exchange, members will give a monetary donation which will be given to the VA Medical Center.
The meeting was adjourned. Connie Lueth won the door prize. Lorena Dubbe and Connie Meyer served lunch.

Veterans Day 2013
The William H Crippen American Legion Veterans Day dinner was a great success. Twenty members and spouses attended the event on Veterans Day. The veterans who attended are shown here.
From left, top row: Marvin Price, Charlie Beck, Tom Sieverding, Tommy Holdahl, Daryl Sieverding, Dave Froke, Mike Maske, Pat Kaffar, Charles Dubbe, Dennis Erickson, Post Commander Jerry Corey Byron Hahn and Fred Lee. Seated from left: Albert Stensaas, Derwood Eisenberg, Neal Even, Francis Sieverding, Ken Struck and Roger Begeman. Not shown was Doug Meyer.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Crippen News Online - Minutes, October 2013

Legion Report
by Fred Lee (

The William H Crippen Post 62 held their regular meeting on Monday, October 7th, with eleven members present. We had the salute to the Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes and treasurer’s report from the previous meeting were read and approved. Post Treasurer Tom Sieverding gave a report on the Dinner party. Everyone agreed it was a success and we discussed small changes for next year. Service Officer Ken Struck was not present but Hans Sieverding mentioned Ken Lewin was in the VA hospital and Douglas Meyer told us Neal Even took a turn with a young bull at the farm and is  a little worse for wear but still talking about it.
Commander Jerry Corey received a thank you card from Myron & Marlene Schievelbein for our remembrance of his sister and read a letter from Rachel Schartz thanking the post for all we have done for her. Douglas Meyer thanked the post for our remembrance of his family after he lost his sister.
A motion was made to pay Bob Kueter for mowing at the memorial on the north end of town.
There was some discussion on our gun cabinet and it was decided to purchase a chain and lock for it.
We had a County meeting and a District meeting last month. The County meeting was in Dell Rapids and was the first one of the fall season. Our post will host the county meeting in November. The District meeting in Tea had an average turn-out. The State Commander went over his ideas for the coming Legion year. He announced plans for our 100th anniversary of the American Legion in 2019.
The Commander asked those present to think about ideas for the memorial and ideas about our float at the parade next year.
Charles Dubbe gave a report on the Oratory program this year. He had received the Oratory packet from Watertown and took it to the school, where he visited with the consoler there. He also told those present of some constructive changes this year with the Oratory contest. There was some discussion on these changes and other suggestions made at the meeting.
Before the meeting ended, we signed a get-well card to be sent to G.D.”Hoot” Gibson.
After these discussions, the meeting was adjourned.
Auxiliary Report
by Donna Beck

The William H Crippen American Legion Auxiliary Unit 62 held their regular meeting Monday, October 7th in the Community Center. The meeting was called to order by President Connie Meyer with fifteen members present. We said the Pledge of Allegiance, sang our National Anthem and recited the Preamble to our Constitution.

The minutes and treasures reports of the September 2nd meeting were given and approved.

The District 7 President’s letter stated mid-year reports are due November 1 and locations for the Girls State Teas are needed.

Our unit will host a social hour for the veterans at the VA Medical Center Saturday, October 26. Lorena Dubbe is in charge and several members volunteered to go to help. Connie Meyer and Donna Beck reported on the Fall Conference. Walter Reed Hospital is accepting Christmas cards addressed to Recovering American Soldier. We will obtain the correct address so cards may be sent. Ten flash drives will be given to the school for our Give 10 to Education project. Donations will be given to the Fire Department, the Ambulance Service and the Community Center.

Our Veterans Day Supper will be Monday, November 11, at 7 pm. Sheryl Siemonsma and Dawn Hahn will be in charge. They will prepare roast beef, potatoes, and buns. Members are to bring salads and desserts.

Our soup and pie lunch will be Saturday, November 23 and we will observe American Education Week on November 18-23. Membership dues are due.

The meeting was adjourned. Dawn Hahn won the door prize. Colleen Puthoff and Connie Lueth served lunch.


Monday, September 2, 2013

Crippen News Online - Minutes, September 2013

Legion Report 
by Fred Lee
The William H Crippen Post 62 held their regular meeting on Monday, September 2nd, with nine members present. We had the salute to the Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes and treasurer’s report from the previous meeting were read and approved. Service Officer Ken Struck reported Myron Schievelbein had knee surgery and was recuperating at Good Samaritan for a few days.

Commander Jerry Corey received a thank you cards from the Louis Jarding family for our remembrance of his wife, Leona and the family of Russell Warner for the military services for him.

Fred Lee reviewed the latest “Up To Now” with the members and gave some upcoming dates of Legion events. The District 7 Fall meeting would be Saturday, September 28 in Tea, beginning at 1 pm. He said the South Dakota delegation just got back from the National Convention. He handed out Commander’s Special Award cap pins to Jerry Corey, Hans Sieverding and Charlie Beck for their help at the Military funeral for Russell Warner.

There was some discussion on our participation with Humboldt’s 125 year celebration next year. We decided we  would have a float and carry Colors in the parade.

Our Dinner Party preparations were discussed. We discussed our ticket sales and we will meet next Monday to see if any tickets were left. Plans were made to set up tables on Friday, September 13 at 7 pm.  The Dinner Party will be on Saturday, September 14th with the social hour at 6:30 pm and the dinner at 7 pm.

Charlie Beck told the membership about a Job Fair at the Elmen Center. He said there were many employers there for the veterans. Ken Struck told the membership of the poor turn-out last weekend at the W H Lyons fairgrounds for the tribute to veterans and their families.

After these discussions, the meeting was adjourned.
 Auxiliary Report
by Donna Beck
The William H Crippen American Legion Auxiliary Unit 62 held their regular meeting Monday, September 2nd. The meeting was called to order by President Connie Meyer with ten members present. We said the Pledge of Allegiance, sang our National Anthem and recited the Preamble to our Constitution.

The minutes and treasures reports of the August 5th meeting were given and approved.

The VA Medical Center sent a thank-you for hosting a Bingo party for the veterans. A thank-you from the Russell Warner family was for the memorial and serving the funeral lunch. Agnes  Even’s thank-you was for the birthday greetings and Louis Jarding’s for the sympathy card.

The District President’s letter stated the Fall meeting for District 7 will be in Tea on September 28th, not the 29th. An Auxiliary county training meeting will be in Dell Rapids September 14th. Connie Meyer plans to attend. Lorena Dubbe will purchase the gifts for the Gift Shop.

Wanda Artz briefed us on some of the plans for Humboldt’s 125th celebration. The theme is “Rolling Through the Decades”.

The meeting was adjourned. Sheryl Siemonsma won door prize. The executive board served lunch.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Crippen News Online - Minutes, August 2013

Legion Report
by Fred Lee (

The William H Crippen Post 62 held their regular meeting on Monday, August 5th, with fourteen members present. We had the salute to the Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes and treasurer’s report from the previous meeting were read and approved. Service Officer Ken Struck reported no one was on sick call.

Commander Jerry Corey received a thank you card from the Jim Jarding family for our remembrance of his son.

Fred Lee reviewed the latest “Up To Now” with the members and gave some upcoming dates of Legion events. He said the State Commanders Homecoming would be August 17 in Hermosa, the District 7 Fall meeting would be in Tea on September 29, the District Oratory contest will be in Humboldt on January 12, 2014 and the Mid-Winter conference will be in Huron on January 24-26, 2014. Also, coming up later this month will be Freedom Flight 2013, a veterans appreciation weekend at the Sioux Falls fairgrounds on August 23 and 24.

Sergeant at Arms Dave Froke asked for help carrying the Colors at football games this year and Colors for the Threshing Bee were finalized. Construction changes at the VA Medical Center were mentioned.

Our Dinner Party preparations were discussed. Tickets were handed out and other details were made. We briefly discussed Humboldt’s 125 year activities next year.

We discussed our future memorial possibilities and a small committee was formed. Dave Froke volunteered to head up that committee. It is hoped that some ideas will be made to the membership at a future meeting.

After these discussions, the meeting was adjourned.
Auxiliary Report
by Donna Beck
The William H Crippen American Legion Auxiliary Unit 62 held their regular meeting Monday, August 5th. The meeting was called to order by President Connie Meyer with eleven members present. We said the Pledge of Allegiance, sang our National Anthem and recited the Preamble to our Constitution.

The minutes and treasures reports of the June 3rd meeting were given and approved.

The Sunshine Committee sent get well cards to Dawn Hahn and Myrna Searl and memorials to the Cady, Tom Sieverding and Jim Jarding families. Dawn Hahn thanked us for our card and a thank you card was read from the Vickie Cady family.

The District President’s letter stated there will be a county meeting in Dell Rapids September 14th from 1 pm to 4 pm and she would like two members from each unit to attend. Midyear reports are due November 1 and end of year reports April 1. Gifts for the Gift Shop at the VA Medical Center are to be there by October 1. If money is sent for gifts, that is to be sent to the Department Secretary.

Humboldt’s 125 year celebration was discussed. We will ask the committee to come to talk to us about what the plans are and what is scheduled so it will help us decide how we will participate.

The meeting was adjourned. Shirley Price won the door prize. Lunch was served by Phyllis Sieverding and Cathy Fleischhacker.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Minutes - July, 2013

Legion Report
by Fred Lee (
The William H Crippen Post 62 held their regular meeting on Monday, July 1st, with eight members present. Before the meeting started, we gathered with the Auxiliary members to present a plaque to Rachel Schartz for being the 2013 Oratorical Champion of the Year. The plaque was to be presented to her at the State Convention in Rapid City last month. After this presentation, we each went on to our meetings. We had the salute to the Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes and treasurer’s report from the previous meeting were read and approved. Service Officer Ken Struck was not present, and no one was reported on sick call.

Commander Jerry Corey received a thank you card from the Laynard Friske family for our remembrance of his brother, Donald.

Charles Dubbe helped the Marion Legion Post carry Colors in their parade and gave us a report. Dave Froke, Tommy Holdahl, Fred Lee and Charles also carried Colors in Humboldt’s Fun Day parade.

Charles Beck and Fred Lee reported on the State Convention held in Rapid City in June. Rick MacDonald of Hermosa was elected our new State Commander. Our Post received a First Place award on our History book and a Third Place award for our newsletter entry. Jerry Corey also attended and all of them enjoyed the convention.

Looking ahead, the Commander talked about the possibility of having a Flag Disposal ceremony in the fall, our Dinner Party is coming up in September and Humboldt’s 125th year reunion next year. We need to think about our involvement in these activities.

After these discussions, the meeting was adjourned.
Auxiliary Report
by Donna Beck
The William H Crippen American Legion Auxiliary Unit 62 held their regular meeting Monday, July 1st. The meeting was called to order by President Connie Meyer with nine members present. We said the Pledge of Allegiance, sang our National Anthem and recited the Preamble to our Constitution.

The minutes and treasures reports of the June 3rd meeting were given and approved.

The District President’s letter told us effective in January, members can receive the Legionette by email. Nine towns have moved to District 7 from District 8. She will be holding county training sessions in the near future.

A list of committees for the coming year was handed out.

Our Unit will host Bingo at the VA Medical Center on Thursday, July 25th. Dianne Struck, Connie Lueth, Connie Meyer and Donna Beck plan to attend.

Donna Beck reported on the State Convention in Rapid City and the homecoming party for the new State Auxiliary President, Janet Hurlbert in Raymond. Her theme is “Veterans leave FOOTPRINTS on our hearts”.

Wanda Artz told us Humboldt will celebrate 125 years on June 20, 21 and 22, 2014 and an all school reunion will be held.

The meeting was adjourned. Theresa Meyer won the door prize. Lunch was served by Theresa Meyer and Donna Beck.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Our National Commander

Post Commander Jerry Corey, right, receives
National Commander James Koutz'
autographed photo at a recent event in May, 2013,
at Sioux Falls Post 15 post home.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Minutes - June, 2013

Legionnaires Discuss Memorial Details
by Fred Lee (

The William H Crippen Post 62 held their regular meeting on Monday, June 3rd, with nine members present. The Commander was absent and the meeting was conducted by Vice Commander Charles Dubbe. At the beginning of our meeting, we had two individuals from Mollet Memorials give a presentation to the membership. Marion Mollet and Allen Schrag gave us some ideas on constructing a memorial in Humboldt. After their presentation, we continued our meeting. We had the salute to the Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes and treasurer’s report from the previous meeting were read and approved. Service Officer Ken Struck stated no one was currently on sick call.
Francis Sieverding gave the group a report on the flag poles and after  some discussion we will be leaving the price at $100 per flag pole. We recently finished installing more inserts for the flag poles. There was also a motion to pay the extra cost of the poles we recently purchased. We also discussed our Memorial Day activities and everyone agreed that, except for the rainy and cloudy weather, it was a success.
Charles Dubbe made an Americanism report. He said he had discussed our Boys States expenses with the Hartford Commander and together they thought it would be fair if these expenses were shared by the Posts. That was made into a motion at the meeting. He also stated he had been in contact with an organization called ‘The Daughters of the American Revolution’ with regard to our Oratory program. He also reported on giving awards at Graduation at West Central school.
There was some discussion on who the delegates would vote for at the convention and also who would be going. Commander Jerry Corey, Fred Lee and Charles Beck said they would  be going to the convention. It will be on the first weekend of June this year in Rapid City.
Charles Beck attended Blue Cap day in Aberdeen during Boys State activities. He reported on the day’s activities to everyone present. He had a grandson and two great nephews present there this year.
Douglas Meyer and Charles Beck reported on the National Commander’s visit to the area.
Before the meeting ended, there was some discussion on our memorial plans.
After these discussions, the meeting was adjourned.
Auxiliary Report
by Donna Beck
The William H Crippen American Legion Auxiliary Unit 62 held their regular meeting Monday, June 3rd. The meeting was called to order by President Connie Meyer with eleven members present.  Our Girls Staters, Jenna Mammenga and Alanna Schmeichel, and their mothers, were our guests. We said the Pledge of Allegiance, sang our National Anthem and recited the Preamble to our Constitution.

Alanna and Jenna told us they learned about city, county and state governments by being assigned to a mythical political party and city and carrying out the election process in each government and they ran for various offices. Each thanked our unit for sponsoring them.

The minutes and treasures reports of the May 6 meeting were given and approved.

Thank yous were received from Lois Mammenga and Ruby Kramer for prizes they received at the Mothers Tea. Jenna Mammenga’s thank you was for the necklace we gave her. The Sunshine Committee sent a sympathy card to Laynard & Jean Friske and a get well card to Myron Schievelbein.

Memorial Day went well. Poppies were given out and there was plenty food for the pot luck lunch.
We will give Fred Lee additional money for newsletter expenses and share the registration fee with the Hartford Auxiliary for the girl that went to Girls State Journalism City.
We will take a cookbook to the silent auction at the State Convention in Rapid City in June.
The Executive Board will meet Wednesday, June 5th, to set up the committees for the coming year.

The meeting was adjourned. Barb Bassett won the door prize. Lunch was served by Carol Lee and Dianne Struck.



Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day 2013

Memorial Day 2013
Even on a cloudy and rainy day, they look great.
The sun even came out briefly in the afternoon. 

Tommy Holdahl and Dave Froke
(Click on either photo to get the full effect)

Thursday, May 23, 2013

National Commander in Garretson

James Koutz, the National Commander of The American Legion, was in Garretson SD and addressed the need for continuing support from the Legion for veterans, as well as to women who are members of the Legion and to veterans and communities across the nation.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Minutes - May, 2013

Legionnaires Plan Memorial Day
by Fred Lee (

The William H Crippen Post 62 held their regular meeting on Monday, May 6, with twelve members present. We had the salute to the Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes and treasurer’s report from the previous meeting were read and approved. Our Service Officer was not present, and no one was reported on sick call. Legion member Jim Harden, who lives in Florida, had been in the hospital, and is now at home and Gib Bassett had an overnight stay in the VA.
Most of the meeting was spent discussing our Memorial Day activities. This year Memorial Day will be observed on Monday, May 27th, with the program starting at 10:30 am in the Community Center. Flag poles will be put up on Friday, May 24th, at 5 pm. We will load the poles at the Hentges farm and proceed to the cemeteries. On Memorial Day, we will receive flags at the cemeteries at 7 am, set up chairs around 8 am for the program at 10:30 am. There will be a Community potluck following there at noon. Please bring a dish to share.
Auxiliary Report
by Donna Beck
The William H Crippen American Legion Auxiliary Unit 62 held their regular meeting Monday, May 6th. The meeting was called to order by President Connie Meyer with thirteen members present.  The secretary and treasurer’s reports were given.

A thank you was received from Children’s Care Hospital for our donation. Dept President Barb Vetter thanked us for hosting the Dist 7 meeting and gift she received.The Schartz family thanked us for the help with their expenses to the National Oratory contest. Rachel thanked us for our encouragement, support and the reception we gave her.

A donation will be given to the Buddy Walk for Down Syndrome awareness. Six poppy wreaths were redone for Memorial Day and the pot luck was discussed.

The Garretson Unit invited us to come meet the National Commander at their Post home on May 23 at a 6:30 social hour followed by a supper where he will speak.

Officers were elected. They are: Connie Meyer, President; Connie Lueth, Vice President; Donna Beck, secretary; Sheryl Siemonsma, treasurer; Jean Erickson, Chaplain; Ruby Sundermann, Historian; Molly Stensaas, Parliamentarian; and Kelly Fox and Jackie Lofswold, Sergeant-At-Arms.

The meeting was adjourned. Agnes Even won the door prize. Lunch was served by Rosie Sieverding.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Department Fundraiser

 Each ticket holder will be eligible for a weekly drawing of $150. You may win as many times as your ticket is drawn during the year. All profits from the fundraiser will be used to upgrade your Department Headquarters.

Here are all the winners!
52nd Week-Paul Setnes, Estelline
51st Week-Al Colgrove, Lemmon
50th Week-Justin Longville, Lake Preston
49th Week-Marvin Walz, Vermillion 
48th Week-American Legion Post 148, Conde
47th Week-Dave Jones, Lake Preston
46th Week-Royce Loesch, Pierre
45th Week-Dennis Wilkerson, Hermosa
44th Week--Francis Karst, Hoven
43rd Week--Lisa Stoltenberg, Pierre
42nd Week--Bob Bender, Hartford
41st Week--Mark Hodges, Lake Preston
40th Week--Mike Tolzin, Lake Preston
39th Week--Kennebec-Reliance Post 179
38th Week--Kahne Hanson, Arlington
37th Week--Larry Zimmerman, Rapid City
36th Week--Leo Reiffenberger, Lake Preston
35th Week--Mary Johnson, Pierre
34th Week--Brent Symens, Willow Lake
33rd Week--Sue Diekmann, Sioux Falls
32nd Week--John Vincent, Lake Preston
31st Week--Martin Post 240, Martin
30th Week--Paul Olson, Presho
29th Week--Lyle DeHaai, Chamberlain
28th Week--Janet Van Sanbeek, Milbank
27th Week--American Legion Post 9, Milbank
26th Week--Pat Coyle, Huron
25th Week--Ryan Hageman, Lake Preston
24th Week--Verlyn Muller, Lennox
23rd Week--Doris Scheuffele, Aberdeen
22nd Week--Charemon Dunham, Iroquois
21st Week--Mark Hodges, Lake Preston
20th Week--Watertown Mounted Color Guard, Watertown
19th Week--Ross Sperry, Blunt
18th Week--Tyler Johnson, Watertown
17th Week--Hugh Holmes, Mitchell
16th Week--Lennox Post 174, Lennox
15th Week--John Vincent, Lake Preston
14th Week--Bill Erhart, Lemmon
13th Week--Bob Byer, Watertown
12th Week--Diane MacDonald, Rapid City
11th Week--Verle Whipple, Martin
10th Week--Gary Lenz, DeSmet
9th Week--Dean Ideker, Sturgis
8th Week--Frank Whipple, Chamberlain
7th Week--Ben Nepodal, Arlington
6th Week--Danny McLauglin, Lake Preston
5th Week--Mike Mullen, Piedmont
4th Week--Carol Edwards, Lead
3rd Week--Sioux Falls Post 15, Sioux Falls
2nd Week--Delores Colgrove, Lemmon
1st Week---Scott Mausbach, DeSmet

Sunday, April 21, 2013

National Oratory Finalist

Rachel Schartz is shown here after she
won the American Legion Oratory contest
in Oacoma. State Commander Byron Callies is
on the left and State Americanism Chairman
Fred Nelson is on the right.

Humboldt teenager places third in 
National American Legion Oratorical Contest
by Elizabeth "Sam" Grosz
West Central High School sophomore Rachel Schartz placed third in the National American Legion Oratorical Contest finals held April 21 in Indianapolis, Ind.
Schartz, daughter of Frank and Ann Schartz, Humboldt, is sponsored by William H. Crippen American Legion Post 62, Humboldt. Since last fall, she has advanced from two local contests, a district competition and the state event, culminating in the national event. Her oration was entitled, “Sewing Freedom,” and used references to Betsy Ross stitching the nation’s first flag.
In Indianapolis, her third place award garnered $14,000 in scholarship funds and had received an additional $3,000 in getting to the finals. This was her first year of competition.
“We are very happy for her and congratulate her on this accomplishment,” commented Humboldt Post Adjutant Fred Lee, Sioux Falls.
 The national winner is Agnes Rieger, Kansas City, Mo. Her winning oration, “Let’s Talk About Pennsylvania,” gave her an $18,000 scholarship. Second place, and a $16,000 scholarship, went to Elizabeth Scannell, Goose Creek, S.C., for her oration, “The Constitution: An American Position Description.”
The finalists each presented their eight-to-10-minute oration in front of a large crowd. They also presented a three-to-five-minute speech on an assigned topic, which was a phase of the Constitution drawn by American Legion National Commander James E. Koutz and made known to the contestant five minutes before the time of delivery.
This year’s assigned topic was Article 2, Section 1, Paragraph 5: “No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of president, neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States.”
 For more information, consult

Monday, April 1, 2013

Minutes - April, 2013

Legion Report
by Fred Lee (

The William H Crippen Post 62 held their regular meeting on Monday, April 1, with fourteen members present. We had the salute to the Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes and treasurer’s report from the previous meeting were read and approved. Our Service Officer was not present, and no one was reported on sick call.

Commander Jerry Corey welcomed our guest and new member, Robert Moore. We also had another new member, Robert Schulte, but he was not present at the meeting.

Fred Lee reported on the County meeting held in Colton this past month. He told everyone that it was a short meeting, and a new County Commander would be elected at the upcoming District Spring meeting in Humboldt on April 7th. The next County meeting would be in Dell Rapids on April 30th.

Americanism Officer Charles Dubbe told everyone present that the Boys Staters had been picked, but he didn’t have any names yet. He also stated that he had not completed his research regarding a raffle and would be giving us a report in the next few months. Patrick Ordal volunteered to help him with this.

There was discussion regarding paying Bob Kueter something for mowing our north side memorial and this was done.

Dave Froke wanted to get a POW flag for our clubrooms and a motion was made to get this done.

There was a motion to give the Schartz family money for travel expenses when they accompany Rachel to the National Oratory contest in Indianapolis in April.

We also discussed the possibility of digging more flag pole holes in the local cemeteries.

Before the meeting ended, Past Commander Francis Sieverding installed the officers for the new Legion year.

After these discussions, the meeting was adjourned.
Auxiliary Report
by Donna Beck
The William H Crippen American Legion Auxiliary Unit 62 held their regular meeting Monday, April 4th. The meeting was called to order by President Connie Meyer with ten members present. Peggy Begeman was our guest. We said the Pledge of Allegiance, sang our National Anthem and recited the Preamble of our Constitution. The secretary and treasurer’s reports were given.

A donation will be given to Children’s Care Hospital and School. Money will be given to Fred Lee for newsletter expenses and to the Frank Schartz family for expenses for their trip to the National Legion Oratory contest in Indianapolis.

We will sponsor two girls to Girls State. They are Jenna Mammenga and Alanna Schmeichel. The District 7 Girls State tea will be April 14 in Sioux Falls.

Plans for the District 7 Spring meeting which we are hosting were finalized. Several members offered to bring bars. A gift of cash will be given to the District President and State President. We will set up at 12:30 on Sunday.

The Mother’s Tea will be Thursday, May 9, in the Community Center.
Barb Bassett, Agnes Even, and Ann Schartz are on the Memorial Day committee. Six Auxiliary grave markers will be ordered.

The meeting was adjourned. Arlis Hentges won the door prize. Lunch was served by Peggy Begeman, Arlis Hentges and Wanda Artz.


Monday, March 4, 2013

Minutes - March 2013

Legion Report
by Fred Lee (

The William H Crippen Post 62 held their regular meeting on Monday, March 4th, with fourteen members present. The meeting followed a pot luck supper with the Auxiliary members to celebrate the Legion’s 94th Birthday.

We had the salute to the Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes and treasurer’s report from the previous meeting were read and approved. Service Officer Ken Struck told those present that Nick Hoek and Francis Grace had been in the hospital and were at home. Commander Corey mentioned that we had had two funerals since our last meeting and thanked those who helped at them. The funerals were for Lawrence Kapaun and Leo Gaspar.
Communications included a letter from Rachel Schartz thanking the post for our support. The Commander read a letter from VA Hospital representative Donna Beck inviting everyone to come to the VA Hospital on Saturday, March 9th, to celebrate the Legion’s 94th birthday with the veterans there.
Fred Lee reported on the County meeting in Brandon this past month. He told everyone that election of new county officers will be next month in Colton at the County meeting on April 26th.
We discussed the State Oratory contest held recently in Oacoma. A photo of the winners was passed around for everyone to see. Rachel Schartz won First Place in the Oratory contest and will compete in the National contest in Indianapolis. Neal & Agnes Even contributed $500 to the Oratory Scholarship fund in their grandchildren’s honor.
Charles Dubbe told the membership of his ideas for a fundraiser and he will get some further ideas on this to report at our next meeting. We need to raise funds to promote the programs of the American Legion.
Before the meeting ended, we held our election of officers. Jerry Corey was elected new Commander; Charles Dubbe, First Vice Commander; Dennis Erickson, Second Vice Commander; Adjutant & Historian, Fred Lee; Finance Officer, Tom Sieverding; Chaplain, Charles Beck; Americanism Officer, Charles Dubbe; Service Officer, Ken Struck; Sergeant-at-Arms, Dave Froke; and Athletic Officer, Tom Puthoff. Ken Struck and Bryon Hahn were elected to three year terms on the Executive Board.
After these discussions, the meeting was adjourned.
Auxiliary Report
by Donna Beck
The William H Crippen American Legion Auxiliary Unit 62 held their regular meeting Monday, March 4th. The meeting was preceded by a pot luck supper in observance of the American Legion’s 94th birthday. The meeting was called to order with eleven members present. Joyce Corey was our guest. We said the Pledge of Allegiance, sang our National Anthem and recited the Preamble to our Constitution. The secretary and treasurer’s reports were given.
An invitation to the American Legion’s birthday party at the VA Medical Center March 9th was read. The District 7 president’s letter stated a unit is needed to host the Girls State Tea April 14 and reminded us the Americanism poem and essay winners need to be in to her by March 25. A thank you was received from the VA Medical Center for the food trays, hospice baskets and the money for personal care items for the veterans.
Connie Meyer and Donna Beck reported on the Mid-Winter Conference.
Our unit will give $100 to the West Central Athletic Booster’s scholarship.
We will meet March 12 at 7 pm to begin redoing our poppy wreaths.
The Sunshine Committee reported we furnished cakes for the Leo Gaspar funeral and a fruit basket will be taken to Amber Anaeson and children.
Our unit will host the District 7 Spring Meeting on Sunday, April 7, at 2:30 pm. We will plan for one hundred people and serve ham sandwiches, bars, chips and pickles.
The meeting was adjourned. Shirley Price won the door prize.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

2013 State Oratory Contest

The snowstorm on Sunday, February 10th shortened the MidWinter Conference in Chamberlain.
Because of this storm, the State Oratory finals were rescheduled to  the next weekend.
Here are the participants. Click on the photo for a larger image.

 Shown above are our 2013 State Oratorical participants
with their trophies. From left; State Commander Bryon Callies,
Rachel Schartz of Humboldt, First Place winner;
Lauren Fuhr of Spearfish, Second Place winner;
Kimberly Chow of Dakota Dunes, Third Place winner;
Abby Boner of Castlewood, Fourth Place winner;
Logan Welker of Colome, Fifth Place winner;
Cody Gunther of Aberdeen, Sixth Place winner;
and Fred Nelson, State Americanism Chairman.

State Oratorical Contest Winner
By Elizabeth “Sam” Grosz

Sophomore Rachel Schartz, West Central High School, took first place Sunday in the South Dakota American Legion Oratorical Contest, held in Oacoma.

Schartz, the daughter of Frank and Ann Schartz, Humboldt, was one of six students who earlier had won in their districts. She now has the National American Legion Oratorical Contest ahead of her in April, to be held in Indianapolis, Ind.

Second place was Lauren Fuhr, Spearfish, and third was Kimberly Chou, Dakota Dunes. Fuhr will compete nationally if, for some reason, Schartz is unable to do so, said State Americanism Chairman Fred Nelson, Spearfish.

Other winners named were Abbie Boner, Castlewood, fourth; Logan Welker, Colome, fifth; and Cody Gunther, sixth, Aberdeen.

Prizes awarded at this level are scholarships, with Schartz winning $1,000; Fuhr, $500; and Chou, $300. The remaining three each won a $100 scholarship.

Schartz now can look forward to receiving another $1,500 scholarship for participating in the first round of the national contest. Each first-round winner who advances, but does not qualify for the finals receives an additional $1,500 scholarship. However, the three finalists nationally receive $18,000 for the first place, $16,000 for second; and $14,000 for third place.

West Central High School government teacher JoAnn Bohl was instrumental in organizing the local level of the contest, but she, as well as other school officials, was unavailable for comment at press time, due to a school holiday. Eight students participated locally in a two-tier contest that involved all four grades of high school.

The local contest was coordinated by Charles Dubbe, Americanism Officer, William H. Crippen American Legion Post 62. The Humboldt Post also awarded prizes for winners, with Schartz winning a total of $500 between the two local contests. The district competition was held in Humboldt in January, coordinated by District Americanism Officer Doug Meyer, Humboldt.

Joe Schartz, Rachel’s older brother, also competed nationally as a sophomore and as a junior. Rachel Schartz noted that seeing her brother compete had helped her know what to expect. Her speech, which lasted exactly 10 minutes on Sunday, centered on the theme of Betsy Ross and her courage to create the first United States flag. The flag as a symbol of the American Constitution was central to her speech.

Besides the 8-10 minute prepared speech, competitors Sunday were asked to speak 3-5 minutes on one of three Constitutional Amendments. The Amendment drawn was the one dealing with the terms of the presidency. Schartz’s speech lasted 4 minutes and 16 seconds.

Rachel won’t be resting on her laurels, noted her mother. “Now the work begins,” Ann Schartz said, with the polishing and tweaking of her speech that will be delivered again in April in Indianapolis.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

MidWinter Conference 2013

Here's a few shots from the weather-shortened MidWinter Conference at Cedar Shores in Chamberlain.
(Click on the photo for a better view.)
National Vice Commander Glenn A Hickman
gives some opening remarks.

Here's a shot of those present Saturday morning
before the weather changed.

Dan Dellinger from the State of Virginia,
Leading Candidate for National Commander 2013-2014

Color Guard from Chamberlain sets up
to bring the Colors forward to start the conference

The calm before the storm

Monday, February 4, 2013

Minutes - February 2013

                                           Legion Report
                                                       by Fred Lee (
The William H Crippen Post 62 held their regular meeting on Monday, February 4, with ten members present.
We had the salute to the Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes and treasurer’s report from the previous meeting were read and approved. Service Officer Ken Struck was not at the meeting, but left his report with the adjutant, who gave the report. Get well cards and fruit baskets were sent to Dan Pressler, Neal Even and Leonard Meyer. The Commander passed the thank-you card received from Leonard Meyer and he also thanked those who had helped at the funeral detail for Monte Foltz this morning.
Communications included a letter from the Close-Up program at West Central High School. After some discussion on this, a motion was made to donate $100 to this program.
District Americanism officer Douglas Meyer reported on the District 7 Oratory contest that was held in Humboldt recently. There was two contestants and Rachel Schartz, sponsored by the William H Crippen of Humboldt, received 1st Place, and Hope Goode, sponsored by Garretson Post 23, received 2nd Place. Rachel will be our District’s entry at the State Oratory contest in Oacoma on Sunday, February 10th. The Post made a motion to help with some of Rachel’s travel expenses to that contest.
The funeral detail this morning was discussed and everyone was given a new phone listing that will help getting that news to members in the future. We also discussed the possibility of getting and giving mutual help at funerals to surrounding Posts.
We also did some brainstorming about ways to raise needed monies for our various programs. Charles Dubbe had some ideas on a raffle and will report at our next meeting. Others present also will bring ideas to our next meeting.
Next month is the Legion’s birthday and we will have a pot-luck supper at 7 pm to celebrate it. We will also have our election of officers and an election committee was formed for this.


                                      Auxiliary Report
                                            by Donna Beck
The William H Crippen American Legion Auxiliary Unit 62 held their regular meeting Monday, February 4th. The meeting was called to order by President Connie Meyer with nine members present. We said the Pledge of Allegiance, sang our National Anthem and recited the Preamble to our Constitution. The regular reports were given.
We welcomed our new member, Dawn Hahn.
A letter was received from The Dictionary Project thanking us for being part in this great program. It stated our unit has given dictionaries to 888 third grade students over the years.
The Sunshine Committee sent get-well cards to Leonard Meyer and Dan Pressler and visited Neal Even.
A cookbook will be taken to the Mid-Winter Conference for the silent auction. We will donate two boxes of food trays to recreation therapy at the VA Medical Center.
Commander Jerry Corey thanked us for serving lunch at the District 7 Oratory Contest.
A date to redo the Poppy wreath will be set at our next meeting.
We will observe the American Legion’s 94th birthday at our next meeting with a pot luck supper at 7 pm. The Executive board is in charge and dessert will be furnished.
The meeting was adjourned. Barb Bassett won the door prize. Lunch was served by Sheryl Siemonsma and Shirley Price.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Minutes - January 2013

Legion Report
by Fred Lee (

The William H Crippen Post 62 held their regular meeting on Monday, January 7, with ten members present. 

We had the salute to the Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance. We welcomed Bryon Hahn to our meeting and he transferred his membership to our Post. Minutes and treasurer’s report from the previous meeting were read and approved. Service Officer Ken Struck was not at the meeting, but left his report with the commander. The Commander said Douglas Meyer had been in the VA hospital recently and he was at the meeting. Doug thanked the Legion for the card and fruit basket that was sent. No one else was reported on sick call.

Communications included a thank-you note from the family of Betty Gaspar for our sympathies.

Commander Jerry Corey announced dates for upcoming events. The next County meeting will be in Baltic on January 29 and the Mid-Winter Conference will be in Oacoma on Feb 8-10. He also thanked those in attendance and the others who had visited Loren Even and Leon Lee at Leisure Living in Hartford in December.

Americanism Officer Charles Dubbe brought everyone up to date on our Oratory contest held recently at West Central High School. He said we had eight contestants for the contest that was held in two stages, finalizing on Friday, January 4, when Rachel Schartz received First Place and will compete in the District 7 Oratory contest on January 13 in the Community Center in Humboldt, starting at 2 pm. The winner of this contest will go on to the State Oratory finals in February in Oacoma. After this discussion a motion was made by Fred Lee, seconded by Derwood Eisenberg, to set up an Oratory committee* to assist the Americanism Officer. 

Charles stated anyone could volunteer to help with this committee.
Douglas Meyer told the membership he will need some help from them at the District Oratory contest that will be held in Humboldt on Sunday, January 13. Those offering to help need to be here prior to 1 pm to set up chairs.

After these discussions, the meeting was adjourned.

*We would really appreciate anyone interested to be on the Oratory committee to contact our Americanism Officer, Charles Dubbe. Your input would make this “Children and Youth” program a great success in the coming years.
Auxiliary Report
by Donna Beck

The William H Crippen American Legion Auxiliary Unit 62 held their regular meeting Monday, January 7th. The meeting was called to order by President Connie Meyer with twelve members present. We said the Pledge of Allegiance, sang our National Anthem and recited the Preamble to our Constitution. The minutes of the previous meeting and treasurer’s reports were given.

A thank-you was received from the town of Humboldt for our part in the successful Turkey Day. The Betty Gaspar family sent a thank-you for the memorial.

The Humboldt Legion will host the District 7 Oratory contest on Sunday, January 13. Our unit will serve bars, coffee and juice. About thirty people are expected.

The Mid-Winter Conference will be in Chamberlain on February 8-10.

The meeting was adjourned. Jean Erickson won the door prize. Lunch was served by Agnes Even and Ann Schartz.


Friday, January 4, 2013

Oratory Finals

The William H Crippen American Legion Post of Humboldt held the finals for our local Oratory contest recently at West Central High School.
Three students who each received First Place in their respective class contests competed for the Grand Prize of $400 and will compete on Sunday, January 13, in Humboldt at the District 7 Oratory contest. That winner will advance to the State Oratory finals after the Mid-Winter American Legion Conference at the Cedar Shore Resort in Oacoma.
 Rachel Schartz, center, was our winner this year and will be our candidate at the District contest. Elizabeth Renner, left, was the second place winner and Melissa Voss, right, was the third place winner. We thank them all for their efforts and interest in the Constitution.