Monday, November 7, 2011

Oratorical Resolution 2011

Legionnaires Discuss Oratorical Contest
by Fred Lee ( 

A resolution to be used as an incentive for the Oratorical contest at West Central High School was adopted at our meeting. It will be called “The William H Crippen Post 62 Oratorical Incentive Fund”. It will be used to help motivate students of the West Central High School to participate in the annual American Legion Oratorical contest. An executive committee was also formed to set the rules for the fund. 

Be it resolved that, with the approval of the Post in session, the Commander create an executive committee to be known as the Oratorical Fund Committee.
This committee is to be chaired by the Post Americanism Officer who shall appoint one member of this Post to serve with him, appoint one instructor from afore said school to complete the membership of this committee.
The duties of this committee shall be: solicit and evaluate as fairly as possible, all suggestions from interested parties, as to the operation of the local oratory contest, set all rules for the conduct of the local contest, select the judges for the local contest, be the sole decision maker as to the number and size of the incentives to be offered and dispense such incentives at the appropriate time.
Operations of this committee are to be available at the request of any member during official meetings of the Post.
This committee’s tenure shall be limited to the annual election of officers at which time it shall be extended, amended or disbanded.
The resolution stands as stated.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Legionnaire Insurance Trust

Legionnaire Insurance Trust
All dues-paying Legionnaires are eligible for $1,000 of Accidental Death Insurance at No Cost. If you are a PUFL member or you paid your dues prior to the end of the year, you should be covered with this accident insurance through August 31, 2016.
If you have a question on your eligibility coverage, you can call 1-800-235-6943 and a representative will check your eligibility.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

State News - July 2011

SDALPA and History Award Winners
President of the South Dakota American Legion Press Association announced the winners of the newsletter competition. First place went to Iroquois Post 280, Colin Royal, Editor; second place winner was Humboldt Post 62, Fred Lee, Editor; and third place went to Arlington Post 42, Leon Josephson, Editor.
Department Historian Fred Lee announced first place award for Post Narrative History going to Mobridge Post 4, Robert Maisch, Historian, and first place award for Post Scrapbook going to Wagner Post 11, Norman Nedved, Historian.
Due to the decline of State Membership - a Resolution was passed for redistricting and downsizing the Department of South Dakota from 14 districts to 8 districts to save on travel expense.
Our Post is now in District 7 which consists of the following counties: Minnehaha, McCook, Lake and Moody. The election of officers for the new Districts will take place at the fall District meetings.
Another Resolution changed the Area Vice Commanders from five to two. Charemon Dunham from Iroquois was elected State Vice Commander for Districts 3-8, which includes Humboldt.
The new membership cards are now in. I will mail them to you when I receive your dues. There was a resolution passed at the State Convention to raise the annual dues by $5, effective July 1, 2012. This might be a good time to purchase a paid up for life membership at the lower rates. I will do some calculations showing correct amounts and have them at our next meeting.


Thursday, June 30, 2011

New Flag

Members of The American Legion Post of Humboldt raised a new flag at the Bob Searl memorial at the north end of Main Street on Thursday, June 30, 2011.

Emily Jarding, a Flight nurse stationed in Afghanistan, sent the flag to us. It flew in one of their missions there. Emily is the daughter of Charles and Paula Jarding.

Those shown in the photo from left to right are: Leon Lee, Daryl Sieverding, Pat Kaffar, Tom Sieverding, Francis Sieverding, Fred Lee, Dave Froke, Tommy Holdahl, Matt Sieverding and Dale Lofswold.
Click on the photo for a larger view, then the back button to get back to this page.