Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Vietnam Vets Virtual Wall

Someone spent a lot of time on this and it is truly remarkable.
Try it.

It is a virtual wall of all those lost during the Vietnam war with the names, bio's and other information on our lost comrades. It is a very interesting link, and those who served in that timeframe and lost friends or family can look them up on this site.

First click on a state...then when it opens...a name...then it should show you a picture of the person or at least, his bio and medals....



Saturday, January 2, 2010


The National Anthem - done right.
This short video will send chills up your spine.
Click here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ETrr-XHBjE
And this, my friends, is the way it should be sung...
with no "artistic interpretation.
PS. Be sure to use the "back" button when finished viewing any of these links.