Monday, February 3, 2014

Crippen News online - Minutes - February 2014

Legion Report
by Fred Lee (

The William H Crippen Post 62 held their regular meeting on Monday, February 3rd, with twelve members present. We had the salute to the Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes  and treasurers reports from the previous meeting were read and approved. Officer Ken Struck was not present but others in attendance mentioned there was no one on sick call. Doug Meyer told those present that Steve Pressler was back at work.
Charles Dubbe gave a report on the Oratory program. He said there was good participation and our representative even though she did not win at the District contest, she will be back to participate next year. Charles said he appreciated the help from other Post members and the judges he secured.
We discussed some sort of recognition to two past members, Russell Warner and Leo Gaspar, for the money they gave to the Post. Various ideas were suggested at the meeting. There was some talk about our assistance with the BB gun program and the Memorial fund. There are still questions regarding where our Memorial would be placed in town. 
Commander Jerry Corey told the membership about a Valentine’s concert in Sioux Falls and had information about it. He also said the VA Medical Center is open extended hours by appointment. He had some information from the Chamberlain Legion Post regarding their Veterans Memorial. He mentioned he had received some information about Boys State that was given to our Americanism Officer. He thanked those who helped at the District Oratory contest held recently in Humboldt. 
Fred Lee reported on the State Oratory finals that took place in Huron at the close of the MidWinter Conference there. He handed out the Go-Getter pins and told everyone about other parts of the conference. Charlie Beck also reported on other parts of the conference. He reported on the County meeting held last week in Renner. Next month, the County meeting will be in Baltic. 
Tom Sieverding gave a report on the 125 year celebration this summer. The Post hopes to have a float in the parade, as well as carry the Colors at the beginning of the parade. 
Charles Dubbe discussed having a raffle. After some discussion, we decided to sell tickets for cash prizes for our future Veterans’ Memorial. A committee was formed to figure out the details.
Before the meeting ended, the Commander selected a nominating committee for next month’s election of officers.
After these discussions, the meeting was adjourned.
Auxiliary Report
by Donna Beck
The William H Crippen American Legion Auxiliary Unit 62 held their regular meeting Monday, February 3rd in the Community Center. President Connie Meyer called the informal meeting to order with nine members present. We said the Pledge of Allegiance, sang our National Anthem and recited the Preamble to our Constitution. The minutes and treasurer’s reports of the previous meeting were given and approved.
Thank-yous were received from Ellen Mathieu, Liz Jarding, Betty Lias and the Cody Trapp family for the gifts we gave them for Christmas. The VA Medical Center sent a thank you for hosting a social hour for the veterans and the money given for personal care items and the coffee fund.
Donna Beck updated us on the Humboldt 125th Celebration. There will be a Soup and Sweets fundraiser Saturday, March 22, from 4 pm to 6:30 pm. Items from the public for the supper and/or the bake sale would be appreciated. A silent auction will also be held. Our Auxiliary offered to be the hosts at the Humboldt Museum from 10 am to 3 pm on the Saturday of the celebration and we will prepare a history of our unit.
We now have fifty-six members. Our March meeting we be the last time we can contribute to the Pennies for Permanent Membership Fund.
We will celebrate the American Legion’s birthday with a potluck supper at 7 pm before our March 3rd meeting. Dessert will be furnished.
The meeting was adjourned. Connie Meyer won the door prize. Sheryl Siemonsma and Shirley Price served lunch.